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Ferri initiative evaluation and follow-up meeting

iniciativa ferri el salvador costa rica

At the invitation of SIECA’s Directorate of Transportation, Infrastructure and Logistics (DITIL), under the direction of Mr. Carlos Moreno, a meeting was held to evaluate and exchange information on the Central American Ferri Project, with the participation of Mr. Nelson Soto of Costa Rica and the Executive Director of COCATRAM. In addition to analyzing the […]

COCATRAM Vigilance Commission Meeting

The Surveillance Commission met as a previous activity to the CXIV ordinary meeting of COCATRAM’s Board of Directors, to review the financial aspects and compliance with the resolutions of previous meetings. The Supervisory Commission is COCATRAM’s second most important body; its mission is to oversee the organization’s work and activities.

COCATRAM Board of Directors visits Puerto Corinto – Nicaragua

Members of the Board of Directors, within the framework of the CXIV Ordinary Meeting and activities scheduled according to the agenda, visited Puerto Corinto – Nicaragua. Pablo Gerald López, who shared the expansion project of Puerto Corinto, which is currently under construction.

COCATRAM gives Seminar-Workshop to REGAP El Salvador members.

Seminario Taller RETOS

19/Junio/2023 COCATRAM from the technical secretariat of the Environmental Management Network, with the support of the National Navy and CEPA developed the workshop seminar “Evaluation of the Response Capacity of Terminals/Port Facilities to Oil Spills”. The participating entities: Energía del Pacífico, Energy Infrastructure El Salvador S.A. de C.V.; Inversiones CHEVRON S.A DE C.V.; Compañía de […]