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Central American Isthmus Port Forum

Central American Isthmus Port Forum (REPICA) promotes exchanges of ideas to solve regional problems linked to port management and operations and other related aspects, as well as sharing experiences on strategies for implementing plans on modernization, innovations and legislation.

Reunión Portuaria del Istmo Centroamericano


  • Santo Tomás de Castilla National Port Company (EMPORNAC) Load more
  • Quetzal Port Company (EPQ) Load more
  • Puerto Barrios Railway Terminal  Load more
  • National Port Commission (CPN) Load more
  • Vice-Ministry of Transport – Terminal Granos del Pacífico, Ltda. (TERPAC, LTDA) Load more
  • Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing Load more
  • National Port Company (EPN) Load more
  • General Aquatic Transport Directorate (DGTA), Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Load more
  • Board for Port Administration and Economic Development of the Atlantic Coast (JAPDEVA) Load more
  • Costa Rican Institute of Pacific Ports (INCOP) Load more
  • Caldera Port Society (SPC S.A.) Load more
  • Maritime Port Division, Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT)   Load More
  • APanama Maritime Authority (AMP) Load more
  • Manzanillo International Terminal (MIT) Load more
  • Panama Ports Company (Balboa and Cristobal) Load more

Milestones and Activities

Information associated with the meeting history.

Official Documentation* (PDF Files)

Information about the event
Event program

Rebeca Lara Benavides
Directorate of Maritime and Port Affairs
(+505) 2222-2754 – Ext. 120


Operative Regional Cooperation Network of Maritime Authorities in Central America And Dominican Republic

Operative Regional Cooperation Network of Maritime Authorities in Central America And Dominican Republic (ROCRAM-CA) is made up of the maritime administrations of Central America and its Technical Secretariat is under COCATRAM’s responsibility.

The Network holds one annual coordination meeting and its main objectives are

  • shield
    To promote the creation and/or strengthening of the member countries’ national maritime administrations for the fulfilment of their functions as port state, coastal state and flag state.
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    To promote the harmonization, updating and modernization of the maritime legislation.
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    To integrate efforts and promote the sharing of information with a view to effectively implementing the international and regional legal instruments in those fields under its responsibility.
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    To promote activities that lead to the development and strengthening of the region’s national maritime sectors.
Red Operativa de Cooperación Regional de Autoridades Marítimas de Centroamérica y República Dominicana


  • Guatemala

  • Vice-Admiral (DEMN)
    Edy Santiago Chinchilla Archila
    Vice-Ministry of the Navy of the Ministry of National Defense of Guatemala
    Tel. (+502) 2261-4005

    See more

  • El Salvador

  • Navy Captain DEMN
    Omar Iván Hernández Martínez
    Commander in Chief
    National Navy of El Salvador


  • Honduras

  • Edgar Isrrael Soriano Ortiz
    General Director
    General Directorate of the Merchant Marine
    Tel: (+504) 2239-8228 /
    (+504) 2239-8203

    See more

  • Nicaragua

  • Navy Captain (R)
    Manuel Mora Ortiz
    General Director
    General Directorate of Water Transportation 
    Tel/Fax: (+505) 2222-2869
    See more

  • Costa Rica

  • Mr. Verny Jiménez Rojas
    General Manager
    Maritime Port Division
    Ministry of Public Works and Transportation

    See more

  • Panama

  • Designation Pending
    Panama Maritime Authority

    Designation Pending
    Panama Maritime Authority

    See more

  • Dominican Republic

  • Vice Admiral
    Francisco Antonio Sosa Castillo
    Commanding General

    Plinio Antonio Ramirez Mejía
    Director of the Naval Command of Port Captaincies and Maritime Authority

    Navy of the Dominican Republic
    See more

  • Permanent Observer - Colombia

  • Colombia
    Vice Admiral
    John Fabio Giraldo Gallo
    General Maritime Director
    General Maritime Directorate DIMAR
    Tel. (+571) 2200490

    See more

Vice-Admiral (DEMN)
Edy Santiago Chinchilla Archila
Vice-Ministry of the Navy of the Ministry of National Defense of Guatemala
Tel. (+502) 2261-4005

See more

Navy Captain DEMN
Omar Iván Hernández Martínez
Commander in Chief
National Navy of El Salvador


Edgar Isrrael Soriano Ortiz
General Director
General Directorate of the Merchant Marine
Tel: (+504) 2239-8228 /
(+504) 2239-8203

See more

Navy Captain (R)
Manuel Mora Ortiz
General Director
General Directorate of Water Transportation 
Tel/Fax: (+505) 2222-2869
See more

Mr. Verny Jiménez Rojas
General Manager
Maritime Port Division
Ministry of Public Works and Transportation

See more

Designation Pending
Panama Maritime Authority

Designation Pending
Panama Maritime Authority

See more

Vice Admiral
Francisco Antonio Sosa Castillo
Commanding General

Plinio Antonio Ramirez Mejía
Director of the Naval Command of Port Captaincies and Maritime Authority

Navy of the Dominican Republic
See more

Vice Admiral
John Fabio Giraldo Gallo
General Maritime Director
General Maritime Directorate DIMAR
Tel. (+571) 2200490

See more

Milestones and Activities

  • 2013 Seminar Program AM and I Meeting Ext Dominican Republic
  • 2015 Sem A M Program ROCRAM-CA Cartage-Colombia
  • 2017 Program ROCRAM-CA Costa Rica
  • 2017 XXIV ROCRAM-CA London Program
  • 2019 V EXT ROCRAM-CA Medellín Colombia
  • 2020 Program of activities Seminar and XVII Regular Meeting ROCRAM CA virtual
  • 2022 Program Seminar and XXVIII ROCRAM-CA Dominican Republic


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Central American Port Maritime Statistics Network

Central American Port Maritime Statistics Network is a forum coordinated by the Central American Maritime Transport Commission (COCATRAM) consisting of the port companies and national maritime authorities of each member country.

REMARPOR’s objective is to be the specialized discussion forum on Central American regional maritime port statistics and to maintain a flow of updated statistical information among the network’s member port companies and maritime authorities.

Generally speaking, its objective is to provide updated statistics for conducting analyses, studies and profiles and to offer them to other public- or private-sector bodies, researchers, consultants or individuals that require them.


  • Santo Tomas de Castilla National Port Company (EMPORNAC)   Load More
  • Chiquita Guatemala S.A – Puerto Barrios   Load More
  • Quetzal Port Company   Load More
  • National Port Commission   Load More
  • Autonomous Executive Port
  • Commission (CEPA) / Puerto Acajutla   Load More
  • Salvadoran Investment Corporation (Puerto Corsain)    Load More
  • La Unión Port
  • National Port Company (EPN)    Load More
  • General Aquatic Transport Directorate (DGTA) of the MTI   Load More
  • Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT)
  • Board for Port Administration and Economic Development of the Atlantic Coast (JAPDEVA)    Load More
  • Costa Rican Institute of Pacific Ports (INCOP)    Load More
  • Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)    Load More

Milestones and Activities

Meeting history

Official Documentation (PDF Files) 

  • Source Document
  • Regulation


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Central American Network of Maritime and Port Training Center

Central American Network of Maritime and Port Training Center (RECAF) was created in the 1980s under the TRAINMAR Program launched by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) with the participation of just the port sector. This network currently includes both the port sector (port authorities) and the maritime sector (maritime authorities).

RECAF’s objective is to operate as an instrument for the actions of the Maritime and Port Training Centers in order to strengthen their management and maintain regional cooperation among the different countries involved through training, advice and consultancy sessions for the Central American maritime port sector.

RECAF Members


  • The network’s members are the Maritime and Port Training Centers from the COCATRAM member countries, which depend on port and/or maritime bodies; and COCATRAM, which is responsible for the network’s regional coordination.

    The training centers function independently, attending to the training needs of the corresponding sector, providing and receiving horizontal cooperation, sharing funds and jointly implementing activities of common benefit.


  • RECAF meets once a year at the beginning of the year. The coordinators of the different centers each present a report of the activities carried out during the last half year and another of the activities programmed for the half year under way. The program of regional activities with horizontal cooperation funds, membership funds and its own funds is also produced.

    In addition, these meetings include the coordinators sharing experiences on the line of human resource training in the maritime port sector and discussions about: the current situation of the countries which might affect the programmed activities; regional-level training needs; future projects to be implemented; and monitoring the updating of the five-year plan, among other issues.

    After each meeting, COCATRAM produces the corresponding minutes in order to monitor fulfilment of each of the training activities and agreements established.

The network’s members are the Maritime and Port Training Centers from the COCATRAM member countries, which depend on port and/or maritime bodies; and COCATRAM, which is responsible for the network’s regional coordination.

The training centers function independently, attending to the training needs of the corresponding sector, providing and receiving horizontal cooperation, sharing funds and jointly implementing activities of common benefit.


RECAF meets once a year at the beginning of the year. The coordinators of the different centers each present a report of the activities carried out during the last half year and another of the activities programmed for the half year under way. The program of regional activities with horizontal cooperation funds, membership funds and its own funds is also produced.

In addition, these meetings include the coordinators sharing experiences on the line of human resource training in the maritime port sector and discussions about: the current situation of the countries which might affect the programmed activities; regional-level training needs; future projects to be implemented; and monitoring the updating of the five-year plan, among other issues.

After each meeting, COCATRAM produces the corresponding minutes in order to monitor fulfilment of each of the training activities and agreements established.

Activities and Programs

  • Certification Program for Port Workers.
  • Certification Program for Dock Workers (private sector).
  • Legal Affairs Program, aimed at training maritime authority legal advisors on issues related to international maritime-port legislation.
  • Information on the COCATRAM Virtual Classroom.

Official Documentation (PDF files)

  • Operational Regulations.
  • Regulations for the Use of Membership Funds.
  • Central American Maritime-Port Training Program 2022.


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Central American Network of Maritime and Port Women

Central American Network of Maritime and Port Women (REMPORT) was created by COCATRAM on April 6, 2018, for the sharing and implementation of good practices, experiences and capacity building on issues related to gender equity in the maritime and port sector, in accordance with Sustainable Development Goal #5.

REMPORT seeks to generate contacts and alliances beyond geographical distances and cultural differences in the maritime and port sector. Its main objective is to highlight the region’s maritime port women and to exchange information, ideas, experiences and knowledge to inspire other women to overcome obstacles.

The exchanges aimed at motivating women’s empowerment and the development of their potential are based on the values of solidarity and mutual help.


  • To build a regional meeting space for capacity building, the sharing of good practices, the promotion of autonomy and the empowerment of women in order to contribute to the maritime and port sector’s development.


  • To be the body that coordinates the sharing of experiences and good practices for women’s autonomy and empowerment.


  • The following are some of REMPORT’s most relevant activities:

    • Approval of the Network of Maritime and Port Women in August 2017 by the COCATRAM Board of Directors as requested by Guatemala.
    • Participation of maritime and port women from the region in the First Regional Conference of Maritime Women of Latin and Central America.
    • Constitutive Meeting in the City of Guatemala with the participation of: maritime women from Costa Rica and Guatemala; port women from Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala; Board of Director authorities from Panama and Guatemala; and COCATRAM directors.
    • COCATRAM’s participation in REMPORT’s representation at the CIP-OAS II Hemispheric Seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility and Gender Equality.
    • REMPORT’s 1st Regional Workshop in Panama in December 2018. 
    • The nomination of Rita Myrie Barnes, General Manager of JAPDEVA, Costa Rica, for the “Outstanding Woman in the Port and Maritime Sector.” She received an “Honorable Mention.”

To build a regional meeting space for capacity building, the sharing of good practices, the promotion of autonomy and the empowerment of women in order to contribute to the maritime and port sector’s development.

To be the body that coordinates the sharing of experiences and good practices for women’s autonomy and empowerment.

The following are some of REMPORT’s most relevant activities:

  • Approval of the Network of Maritime and Port Women in August 2017 by the COCATRAM Board of Directors as requested by Guatemala.
  • Participation of maritime and port women from the region in the First Regional Conference of Maritime Women of Latin and Central America.
  • Constitutive Meeting in the City of Guatemala with the participation of: maritime women from Costa Rica and Guatemala; port women from Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala; Board of Director authorities from Panama and Guatemala; and COCATRAM directors.
  • COCATRAM’s participation in REMPORT’s representation at the CIP-OAS II Hemispheric Seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility and Gender Equality.
  • REMPORT’s 1st Regional Workshop in Panama in December 2018. 
  • The nomination of Rita Myrie Barnes, General Manager of JAPDEVA, Costa Rica, for the “Outstanding Woman in the Port and Maritime Sector.” She received an “Honorable Mention.”


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Central American Port Environmental Management Network

The Central American Port Environmental Management Network (REGAP) was created by COCATRAM for the sustainability of those products generated during the Project for Strengthening Port Environmental Management in Central America and the Dominican Republic (FOGAP).

The network’s activities and work aim to fulfil the following objectives:

  • check
    Monitoring the REGAP members’ national action plans.
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    Monitoring the evaluation of REGAP members through the environmental management indexes.
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    Promoting cooperation in the port environmental sphere among those institutions represented in REGAP.
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    Planning the agenda of regional activities to strengthen port environmental management.
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    Promoting compliance with the national and international environmental regulations, the MARPOL Convention and the Central American Port Environmental Code of Conduct (Green Book).
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    Integrating efforts and promoting the sharing of information and experiences among the representatives of the environmental units or departments.
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    Contributing to the ongoing use and improvement of the Statistical Platform on Ship-Generated Waste Reception in Ports of Central America and the Dominican Republic.
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    Promoting and participating in the “Green Port” initiative as part of the environmental and port policies of Central America and the Dominican Republic.
Red de Gestión Ambiental Portuaria Centroamericana

REGAP Members

  • Guatemala

    • Dirección General de Asuntos Marítimos (DGAM)

    • Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN)

    •  Comisión Portuaria Nacional (CPN)

    • Empresa Portuaria Nacional Santo Tomás de Castilla (EMPORNAC)

    • Terminal Ferroviaria Puerto Barrios (TFPB)

    • Empresa Portuaria Quetzal (EPQ)

    • Terminal de Granos del Pacífico, Ltda. (TERPAC, LTDA)

    • APM Terminals Quetzal (APMTQ)

  • El Salvador

    • Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN)
    • Autonomous Executive Port Commission (CEPA): Puerto Acajutla and Puerto La Unión
    • Salvadoran Investment Corporation (CORSAÍN)
  • Honduras

    • General Directorate of the Merchant Navy (DGMM)
    • Secretariat of Natural Resources and the Environment (MiAmbiente)
    • Municipality of Puerto Cortés
    • National Port Company (ENP): Puerto Castilla, Muelle de Melaza-Puerto Cortés, and Puerto San Lorenzo
    • Central American Port Operator (OPC)
    • Specialized Terminal of Honduras (TEH)
  • Nicaragua

    • General Aquatic Transport Directorate, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (DGTA)
    • Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA)
    • National Port Company (EPN): Puerto Corinto, Puerto Sandino, Puerto Arlen Siu, Puerto Cabezas, Puerto El Bluff
  • Costa Rica

      • Maritime Port Division (DMP), Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT) of Costa Rica
      • Board for Port Administration and Economic Development of the Atlantic Coast (JAPDEVA): Puerto Moín and Puerto Limón
      • Costa Rican Institute of Pacific Ports (INCOP)
      • Ministry of the Environment and Energy (MINAE)
      • Caldera Port Society (SPC)
      • Industrial Agricultural Sugar Cane League (LAICA), Punta Morales Terminal
      • Costa Rican Petroleum Refinery (RECOPE Terminal)
  • Panama

    • Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)
    • Panama Canal Authority (ACP)
    • Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente)
    • Petro Terminal de Panamá (PTP)-Charco Azul
    • Melones Oil Terminal INC
    • DECAL Terminal
    • Petroamérica Terminal S.A (PATSA)
    • PSA Panama International Terminal
    • Panama Oil Tanking S.A (POTSA)-Balboa
    • Panama Ports Company (PPC)-Puerto Balboa
    • Chiquita Panama LLC- Bocas Fruit Company, Ltd.
    • Petro Terminal de Panamá (PTP)-Chiriquí Grande
    • Panama Mining Terminal (Puerto Punta Rincón)
    • Terminal Telfer Tanks Inc.
    • Manzanillo International Terminal (MIT)
    • Panama Ports Company (PPC)-Puerto Cristóbal
    • Colon Container Terminal (CCT)
    • Colon Oil and Services S.A (COASSA)
    • Panama Oil Tanking S.A (POTSA) Cristóbal
    • Desarrollo Posicional S.A (DEPSA)
  • Dominican Republic

    • Dominican Port Authority (APORDOM) (Puerto Manzanillo, Puerto Plata, Puerto Barahona, Puerto Azua, Puerto Haina Occidental, Puerto Boca Chica, Puerto La Romana and Puerto San Pedro Macorís)
    • Naval Command of Port Captaincies and Maritime Authority (CNCPAM)
    • Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources
    • Haina International Terminals
    • Puerto Santo Domingo
    • DP World Caucedo
  • Dirección General de Asuntos Marítimos (DGAM)

  • Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN)

  •  Comisión Portuaria Nacional (CPN)

  • Empresa Portuaria Nacional Santo Tomás de Castilla (EMPORNAC)

  • Terminal Ferroviaria Puerto Barrios (TFPB)

  • Empresa Portuaria Quetzal (EPQ)

  • Terminal de Granos del Pacífico, Ltda. (TERPAC, LTDA)

  • APM Terminals Quetzal (APMTQ)

  • Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN)
  • Autonomous Executive Port Commission (CEPA): Puerto Acajutla and Puerto La Unión
  • Salvadoran Investment Corporation (CORSAÍN)
  • General Directorate of the Merchant Navy (DGMM)
  • Secretariat of Natural Resources and the Environment (MiAmbiente)
  • Municipality of Puerto Cortés
  • National Port Company (ENP): Puerto Castilla, Muelle de Melaza-Puerto Cortés, and Puerto San Lorenzo
  • Central American Port Operator (OPC)
  • Specialized Terminal of Honduras (TEH)
  • General Aquatic Transport Directorate, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (DGTA)
  • Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA)
  • National Port Company (EPN): Puerto Corinto, Puerto Sandino, Puerto Arlen Siu, Puerto Cabezas, Puerto El Bluff
    • Maritime Port Division (DMP), Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT) of Costa Rica
    • Board for Port Administration and Economic Development of the Atlantic Coast (JAPDEVA): Puerto Moín and Puerto Limón
    • Costa Rican Institute of Pacific Ports (INCOP)
    • Ministry of the Environment and Energy (MINAE)
    • Caldera Port Society (SPC)
    • Industrial Agricultural Sugar Cane League (LAICA), Punta Morales Terminal
    • Costa Rican Petroleum Refinery (RECOPE Terminal)
  • Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)
  • Panama Canal Authority (ACP)
  • Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente)
  • Petro Terminal de Panamá (PTP)-Charco Azul
  • Melones Oil Terminal INC
  • DECAL Terminal
  • Petroamérica Terminal S.A (PATSA)
  • PSA Panama International Terminal
  • Panama Oil Tanking S.A (POTSA)-Balboa
  • Panama Ports Company (PPC)-Puerto Balboa
  • Chiquita Panama LLC- Bocas Fruit Company, Ltd.
  • Petro Terminal de Panamá (PTP)-Chiriquí Grande
  • Panama Mining Terminal (Puerto Punta Rincón)
  • Terminal Telfer Tanks Inc.
  • Manzanillo International Terminal (MIT)
  • Panama Ports Company (PPC)-Puerto Cristóbal
  • Colon Container Terminal (CCT)
  • Colon Oil and Services S.A (COASSA)
  • Panama Oil Tanking S.A (POTSA) Cristóbal
  • Desarrollo Posicional S.A (DEPSA)
  • Dominican Port Authority (APORDOM) (Puerto Manzanillo, Puerto Plata, Puerto Barahona, Puerto Azua, Puerto Haina Occidental, Puerto Boca Chica, Puerto La Romana and Puerto San Pedro Macorís)
  • Naval Command of Port Captaincies and Maritime Authority (CNCPAM)
  • Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources
  • Haina International Terminals
  • Puerto Santo Domingo
  • DP World Caucedo
Red de Gestión Ambiental Portuaria Centroamericana


Meeting history

Official Documentation (PDF Files)