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Estrategia Marítima Cocatram

The Maritime Strategy is linked to the vision of Central America working to be a competitive region integrated into world maritime trade, implementing the necessary actions in the region to develop its maritime trade in the framework of the corresponding international regulations and standards.

Strategic objectives:

  • To turn Central America into a competitive region integrated into world maritime trade in the framework of the corresponding regulations and standards.
  • To promote port development to turn Central America into a regional logistical platform that contributes to improved competitiveness in foreign trade.
  • To establish socioeconomic development for the region’s productive sectors and human resources to increase their business and professional opportunities, respectively, within the new global setting geared to environmental preservation.


Transporte Marítimo Cocatram

In relation to Maritime Transport, efforts are focused on:

  • Modernizing the legal, organizational and regulatory framework of each country’s transport sector (with regional coherence) to make public sector actions more efficient and to incentivize private sector participation.
  • Promoting the development of routes to improve and develop maritime connectivity rates on the extra-regional and intra-regional levels, respectively, as an alternative that is both complementary to and competitive with land transportation.


Actividad portuaria cocatram

In terms of Port Security, activities are aimed at:

  • Ensuring that SICA member countries harmoniously plan and implement the Maritime Safety and Protection programs established based on the ISPS Code and supervised through auditing systems, creating a regional technical committee for this purpose.
  • Identify deficient areas in which greater technical assistance and cooperation are required to face the challenges of the new century.
  • Propose the establishment and organization of functions related to maritime security, which imply exercising responsibilities as the flag, coastal and port state in each SICA member country.


This Strategic Line of Action seeks to implement the adoption of a community maritime policy in the countries of the Central American region, in support of their foreign trade and their insertion into the globalization of the world economy.

Work is focused on:

  • Compile, review and update the work and studies carried out on multimodal infrastructure, ports, short sea shipping (cabotage) and regional integration in maritime transport.
  • Promote investment in cargo and passenger vessels for quality short-distance services, with regular and safe frequencies in the region.
  • With the participation of the public and private sectors, identify the issues to be addressed at the regional level in the port-logistics sector, with a view to developing coherent policies to improve the physical distribution of goods, port performance and intermodal maritime-land integration.
  • Create conditions conducive to stimulating investment and attracting new companies to the region to develop auxiliary maritime and seafaring industries.


Administración marítima cocatram

The purpose of the Maritime Administration is to develop, strengthen and consolidate the Maritime Administrations of the Central American countries in accordance with the modernization processes of the States where they exist and to establish them where they do not.

The maritime administrations of the region should develop actions to:

  • Elaborate and implement a national maritime policy that includes Short Sea Shipping for the benefit of the region, Maritime Safety, Prevention, Containment and Reduction of Marine Pollution and Conservation of Marine Resources, Ports, Training, Relations with International Organizations and Coordination with National and Regional Maritime Organizations
  • Ratify the international conventions of public and private law pending ratification and effectively implement and administer them.
  • Establish mechanisms to ensure the stability and permanence of the technical personnel of the maritime administrations.


Maritime training is a COCATRAM sphere of action aimed at creating a sustainable maritime port training system to ensure qualified human resources at all levels that can contribute to the development of the region’s maritime subsector.

It is therefore planned to develop activities to:

  • Foster and increase horizontal technical cooperation between the maritime and port authorities and administrations at the national, regional and extra-regional levels of the related institutions, including the public, academic and private sectors, on issues under their jurisdiction.
  • Create and implement maritime technical and higher education training programs, adapting them to the sector’s real present and future needs; and promote a maritime culture.
  • Increase the maritime presence of the region’s countries in the international technical bodies for the development of the sector’s human capital.
  • Strengthen training continuity for maritime and port officials.

Marine and Coastal Spaces

Espacios Marítimos y costeros cocatram

In issues related to the environment, efforts are focused on ensuring the protection, preservation, conservation and sustainable exploitation of coastal areas, maritime spaces and natural resources in the sea, with an emphasis on:

  • Coordinating joint work with the different national sectors involved in the task of marine protection, incorporating into that work shipping companies, maritime tanker terminal operators, classification societies, shipyards, shipowners’ associations, industrial fishing associations, public and private bodies, tourism, the Ministry of the Environment, and universities, among others.
  • Attract and facilitate international cooperation with Central America to support the efforts being made in the region for marine protection and to resolve the global environmental crisis.
  • Present at international and regional forums the decision of the Central American maritime administrations to do everything possible to help solve the world environmental crisis.