At the facilities of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica, a hybrid meeting was held with 40 importers and exporters to present them with a survey that will help gather information to promote Short Sea Shipping (SSS) and promote maritime routes that contribute to diversify regional transportation and stimulate the reduction of logistics costs between the countries of the region.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Carlos Salazar, Executive Director of the Mesoamerica Project; Mr. Antonio Ascencio, Maritime Transport Specialist of the Secretariat for Central American Integration (SIECA); the Ambassador-designate of Mexico to Costa Rica, Mr. Victor Sánchez Colín, acting as Chargé d’Affaires; Ms. Indra Granados, Executive Director of the Mesoamerica Project, Mr. Indra Granados; and Mr. Antonio Ascencio, Maritime Transport Specialist of the Secretariat for Central American Integration (SIECA). Indra Granados, Executive Director of Priority Maritime-Port Projects of the Mexican Ministry of the Navy; Ms. Karen Aspuru, Director of Sustainable Economic Development of the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation, who presented in general terms the relevance of SSS at the regional level and emphasized the linkage that must exist between public and private stakeholders to promote it. Subsequently, Mr. José Dopeso, Director of Maritime Port Affairs of the Central American Transport Commission (COCATRAM), explained the relevance of the topic at the regional level and the survey with its different components.
News source Mesoamerica Project
Photographs taken from General Coordination for Ports and Merchant Marine