In the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, the CXVII COCATRAM Board of Directors ordinary meeting is being held, with the collaboration of the Directorate General of Merchant Marine of Honduras (DGMM). The meeting was preceded by the President Pro Tempore of COCATRAM, Mr. Félix Granados Echegoyén, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MTI) of Nicaragua.

President Pro Tempore and Executive Director of COCATRAM

From left to right, delegates from FECAMCO – Central America; Vice Minister of the Ministry of Public Works of Costa Rica (MOPT); National Navy of El Salvador; Director of the General Directorate of Aquatic Transportation (DGTA) Nicaragua.

From left to right, delegates from Guatemala, Vice Minister of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing (CIV); Honduras, Secretary of Infrastructure and Transportation; Director General of the Merchant Marine Honduras (DGMM) and FECAEXCA Central America.

During the meeting, the Principal and Alternate delegates for Guatemala were accredited. The report of the Oversight Committee, financial report and budget execution, work plan, among others, were discussed.